Monday, November 16, 2009

Money Brings Happiness!!

I need to know, who made up the lie that money does not bring happiness?? I am not the betting type, but if I was I would put all one hundred dollars I have in my bank account in favor that it was somebody with money who made up this ridiculous claim!! Okay, maybe I have a little bit more than a hundred dollars in my bank account, but I admit I am a terrible money saver. Part of the problem in America is that we hold money and wants so high on our priority lists, that we confuse our wants for needs. This is where the problem occurs.

Honestly, if money did not bring happiness why would people major in actuary mathematics? The only time math was fun was when I learned how to add and multiply, ever since division it has been downhill. Or even accounting; when was the last time someone got pumped up to do a financial audit? I do not mean to be offensive, but as people we have to make decisions on what type of quality of living we would like to have and if this includes sacrificing forty plus hours a week for it...the paycheck makes the wait worthwhile.

For my adversaries that are still saying money does not bring happiness, answer this question, what can you do without money? You can be homeless, stand in train stations and ask for change every day, and catch shut eye at local park benches. Let’s say you have a little bit more money than that and you have enough to afford for an apartment, but not enough to afford basic necessities. You can pay bills late, take the best walks in the park, and make critical decisions like do you want your heat or electricity this month. These situations may appear amusing, but they are some people’s realities.

I really just want to write for the rest of my life, but I like to party and take hot showers with all my lights on. I like going to the bar, getting wasted, yelling at the top of my lungs and dancing like a fool. I enjoy traveling, going to restaurants, and dressing nice. Unfortunately, I could not do any of these things if I do not make enough money to do them. I spend money like it’s going to run away from me and this is probably due to me knowing what it feels like to be without. I do not praise it, but I sure do have a good time spending it!!

I stole these pics from some photographer that was at the Galaxy 2020 Fashion Show...I'm sorry...whoever you are

My Sister is pretty ill!! BRRRRRR

(I was going to post a couple more...but this sight is messing up)


PLEASE WATCH!! A project I had no clue existed…all I ask is that you remember who put you on!!

A Poem I Recorded over Cold Play's "Lost" Instrumental

A Brew, A Book, and A Woman

Obama's visit to China made me think of this picture I found about a yr ago...pretty funny

Friday, November 6, 2009

Are Grades Important?

Answer: YES!! I hope you did not think I was going to lie and tell you otherwise. As people become more educated talent evaluation becomes more difficult. Particular requirements serve as the hammer and chisel to sculpt the “perfect” employee!! Is it fair to say a particular cumulative grade point average is enough to assess talent? My humble opinion says it not and here’s why: higher education is not close to replicating “the real world”; a great transition period into the workforce is much more suiting. This article will discuss why I do not like grades in general, and how I think it is more absurd to use grades as a critical component to determine employment directly out of college.

Professors are a major reason why I do not think grades serve as a fair factor. Just because a person has a PhD, has written a book, and is outright brilliant does not qualify them as a good teacher. I have been in too many classes when the professors are gloating about their former employers and talking about their personal lives, coupled with their boring lectures leaving me with no choice but to fall asleep!! Classes with mandatory attendance should not exist, it is like they are holding people hostage. Class is a forum that should be beneficial to a person, and every class is a platform for a professor to add perspective and knowledge to students. Students along with professors should look forward to class; I know many students dread certain classes and some professors make me wonder if they too dread class.

Quizzes, exams, assignments, projects, and presentations should be more of a measure of how well the professor is transferring the material to students and how well students are receiving this information. Instead grades are solely attached to students and hold the same if not more conviction to how a person is perceived than their actual character and experience when it comes to applying for careers. Who grades professors? What profession gets graded semiannually is the better question. Off the top of my head I cannot think of any. People in careers are measured on results and bringing value to a particular company.

Why should higher education be any different? School is so curriculum driven students are self educating themselves and surviving. Making it from one quiz to the next exam, cramming information for a test today to forget it tomorrow. Striding from one semester to the next, so many clashing classes it is difficult to retain anything in memory. Leaving college remembering rough weekends more vivid than that 400 level course you took your senior year.

A GPA does not account for extracurricular activities, family problems, bad professors, and personal issues. A resume should hold more weight and a five hour interview by 6 different people should. But many people can’t make it that far because of a minimum GPA requirement. My advice to students is: work hard and party hard, but also get good professors (THEY ARE OUT THERE). Because all these excuses will not get you far…just jobless.

STARTING MY RAP CAREER!! I said jus starting...I'll get better!! Don't Hate!!

And I did it in one take!! Coulda tried to perfect it...a few mistakes...but I'm just having fun...I'll post more videos of me...most won't be this serious...Happy Birthday Bro!!

In the name of Halloween just city...have been getting a little greedy with the Chips (pun)...shoutout to the undefeated Celtics

A white teacher says the word "Niggah"...this is really funny (happened a few years back...fairly recent though)

This video is to get your attention…if this clip from the Boondocks doesn’t make you laugh…you lack a sense of humor

This is a video where a teacher actually says the word “niggah” (this is really funny too)

Additional Boondocks, clowning around with this real life issue

I LIKE THESE!! They are really simple...I like simple!! Gotta see them in real life...cuz sometimes pictures tell lies!!

Damien Walters- We can never underestimate our ability!!